Friday, November 19, 2010

Which Car Dealership Works With Ssi Income ?

day 01 day 02 day

titles entries will appear in horror film: D now appears that touches occur. Do not be scared, eh, I think I've been through. Congratulations to those who reach the end! And if you have any questions, you will not
and I love speaking in plural as if this were to read a lot of people
, feel free as the sun at dawn to do so.

was not sure where to start So, after giving a few turns, I decided to make it easy. Hello. Pilar I generally never if I can help Pili, Pillars since she was a dwarf, Nopasanada after stepping on someone, after being scared Losiento inadvertently Pilarcilla, Pilarius, Ehtúapartadelatele, Pi, Pilpil , Pin, Pilchi and a thousand other things that anyone has ever said. My mother at first did not like my name, so I spent two years without calling. You see, there is variety.

was born the same day (one month pretty, at least) A few years ago, but I'm a little Peter Pan, so ... good. "Grow? Does it eat?

Inside, I'm like any

anatomical drawing
Vanitas, or like you. Probably I have a heart, and surely is on the left. Although it may be the other way, or there who has had two hearts at once, presumably say that I am normal. I have also countless miniature factories that someone has called cells-those that also chorraditas form as the brain or lungs, drippings and some blood, lymph, water, and a thousand curiosities like that too numerous to name and in which, however, no one thinks very much.

Outside'm also made of normality. Two eyes, a nose, all that. I'm like one of those who pass by your side every day. Sanity a little yellow, brownish eyes. Not a walking beauty, not too badly made. Maybe a little disheveled, I confess, I get five minutes just to get ready and I'm too Garfield to sacrifice more sleep over at me a little mirror. I'm the girl of perpetual-jeans until I prove that there is a more comfortable, garment, small feet and Converse. A little pretty flat, one seventy, I've lost quite unintentionally. Long coat and warm. Cablecito backpack over his ears.
And how hard is now. But let's give a bit of randomness:

1. Pilar Tell the truth about the following issues and justify the answer: a)
loves being hit by bicycles.
FALSE. I mean, I know it seems, but ... no. No. That every time I go out with me collide means nothing. Although beginning to suspect that some do it on purpose.
b) is a master of social relations. Hehe, this is funny. True at one time. False now. Until last year went well, but ... I recently stopped connecting with people. I've always been a little awkward socially, but more of a problem was a detail that others were amused. Now ...

It has become terribly home. ... finished happening. True. I'm a boring person, have always had to drag a little here to there, and I have distanced the people I have around (ha), so ... d) Startles hard. False. Falsísimo. I'm wicked scared, and those of my course this year have been realized. Total, that when there is no will is wanting. I tend to finish me off and surprised by anything. e)
spoken is very wrong. Verdalso. I am very finolis of normal, until 1) I'm scared and toads and snakes loose 2) I get excited.
f) And I'm excited with anything. Although so much swearing, that's more rare.
A could be. Great fault, I'm aware of it first.
k) But this was not a true or false?
l) Better change in question. I begin to know myself and not the ABC.

2. Important people in the scene pilaresco: My family. A friend I have to check every so often it has not become English. My piano teacher, for his endless patience. The nice people at the conservatory, because I'm very comfortable with them. Some classmates. My pen pal! In reality everything is a circle rather small, but charming ♥ 3. A topic of conversation not to take with me: Music. Not that I hate to not want to hear about it, is quite the opposite: I'm an addict. I can bore anyone, so it is dangerous. And I can not back heavy. Right now it sounds In my veins and I recommend it a thousand times, but surely would do the same with the next.
4. Something to refer: Mr. Frost (aka Mraz):
"Life is like a box of crayons. Most people Are the 8-color boxes, But What You're really looking for Are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. It's ok though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation... so when I meet someone who's an 8-color type... I'm like, "Hey girl, magenta!" and she's like, "Oh, you mean purple!" And she goes off on her purple thing.
And I'm like... "No - I want magenta!" »  
5. Alguna aficción: Read-since she was a dwarf, I love to eat shelves. Plan trips: I've done most of the world (some day I'll buy a map hanging on the wall of my habitacióny riddled with chinchetitas). Sleep. Calvin & Hobbes. Film. Curious to investigate things I'm very Google-geek with this. Anatomy. 6. The life of a Pilarus communis: is boring. We could say normal, but it's fair to say boring. I spend a lot of time daydreaming and always want to get big things happen. Rather, it is, but great. "Osmer" go. While still waiting, I work to "study." I am not responsible because I was born too vague by nature (a mixture between Snoopy and Garfield. I love being in my pajamas "The art of doing nothing" and sleep indormible.) But I'll pickpocket. So while I spend my life in front of the computer / reading / discussing what to do if zombies come to my father, for I have luck on exams and doing nothing, I do well. With a little more of it and less of Murphy, this year I get to take the note to medicine. The downside is that I usually put the prawn often than is healthy for anyone, silly things to death. So I stay on target with my name. But I laugh at mistakes, and learn. A character of my favorite books had a great philosophy: "Learn and live." Mistakes can be exploited.

And this is becoming too long so, well, I summarize the rest. Not sold. I added things as I could think of. I forgot to say, for example, I'm a clump of nerve-and tickle. I smile a lot, I have the sense of pain and days stunted fools frightening apathy, I've been writing this in inches during the day, because I have been kidnapped from time to time. Dream strange things, I love to argue with my philosophy professor, I love silly debates about where the hell is a English tortilla made by a francésy I hope things are really small . I always wanted to ask me a foot in a Chinese dish called "Ants climbing a tree" but never find anyone who are encouraged me. I sleep in scary movies. I laugh at anything. If I get depressed, I tend to search for images of the Earth, compared with Jupiter, Jupiter to the Sun and the Sun with other stars. Do you know how small we are next to Antares? I am a person of many emotional ups and downs, but I have a trick to not look crazy: hide. I do bad, but nobody notices. Sometimes I write, sometimes not. And
term, is over.
Something I always draw a smile? Many things.

For example.


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