Each owl, its olive tree.
Whenever we have communication with others, we present our ideas. This can occur in a gathering of friends or at work, where the goal usually is to generate improvement actions to be developed. The problem is, usually the expression of ideas is very messy, as in conversation there is a mixture of objectivity with varying degrees of emotions, negative and non-target goals, with personal opinions, etc. In a mess like this only the ideas that seem obvious and still lose many that can provide excellent results. problems in the dark and serene joy overwhelming responsibility, it would certainly be difficult, and yet, is there anything more necessary for the serene joy? Nothing goes wrong if it does not participate in the merry prank. Only the excess of strength is the strength test. A transmutation of all values, black and awful question that casts shadows on who puts it obliges every moment to look for shaking a Soly heavy seriousness, a seriousness that has become too heavy. To this end, all media are welcome and each case is a case of good luck. Above all, war. War always has been the great wisdom of all spirits that have become too close and deep, until the wound is healing power. For some time the following principle, whose origin sleight of scholarly curiosity, has been my motto: Another comfort, under certain circumstances is even more gratifying to me, consists of many idols ... Exist in the world idols than realities, this is my "evil eye" on this world, as well as my "evil ear" ... Inquire with the hammer and perhaps hear that famous response sanida coma hollow gut tells suffering from flatus, which is delight for one who has ears even behind his ears!, for me, accustomed to the seductive psychologist and precisely what I would like to remain quietly has to be heard ... also that letter, as evidenced by the title, is first of all comfort, sunny corner, break into society, a psychologist. Is it also a new war? Do both new idols? ... This small paper is a big statement war, and as for the test of idols, this time there are idols of the time, but eternal idols which are here touched with a hammer as with the pitch and there are no t ; idols older, more confident, more inflated ... or more holes ... This does not prevent them from being the most believed. Moreover, in mud in the most distinguished, not the means at all with the name of idol ... At all times, the wisest have concurred in this view about life is worthless. Over and over Once they've heard the same accent, an accent of doubt, melancholy, weariness of life, resistance to it. Until the death of Socrates said: "Life is a long illness, I owe a cock to Asclepius savior." Even Socrates was tired of vivir.Esta irreverent notion that the great sages are types of decline, it occurred to me just in case that more violent clashes with prejudice and secular scholar Socrates and Plato, as I showed symptoms of decay, as instruments of Greek disintegration, as pseudogriegos, anti-Greek (The Birth of Tragedy, 1872). I realized ever more clearly that this consensus sapientium the least evidence is that they were right with what they agreed, that evidence, though, that such scholars were to agree on something physiologically to adopt and, necessarily, an identical negative attitude towards life. In the final analysis, judgments of value on life, pro or con, could never be certain, have value only as symptoms, only come into consideration as other ; symptoms. Such judgments are inherently stupid. It is absolutely necessary to make an attempt to grasp this amazing finesse that the value of life can not be appreciated. Not for the living, since they are part, and even disputed, not judges, nor the dead, for a different reason. A philosopher who sees the value of life as a problem becomes an objection against him in a question to his wisdom, a lack of wisdom. How? All these great scholars are not only been decadents, but have not even been wise? But back to the problem Socrates. Imitatio Christi is one of those books that I can not browse without feeling a revulsion physiological transcends it a feminine perfume, for the enjoyment of which must be French Wagnerian ... The author has a way of talking about love that even the Parisians are intrigued. I say this Jesuit smarter, A. Comte, who tried to lead his Frenchmen to Rome via the detour of science, was inspired by this book. I think "heart religion" ... G. Eliot: That people have fought the Christian God and now believe more than ever must profess Christian morality, this is a consequence English, we will not blame the moral doodles to Eliot. In England, for every little emancipation from theology, must be rehabilitated in a terrifying and fan morale. That is there so the fine is paid. We, however, we understand that he repudiates the Christian creed has no right to Christian morality. This is not at all a thing being understood, whatever they may say the least English, we must insist on the truth on this point. Christianity is a system, a global conception and full of things. Decompose it capital concept, belief in God means to break the whole, left with nothing needed. Christianity rests on the assumption that men do not know, can not know, what is good and what is bad for him, believe in God, who alone knows. Christian morality is an order, its origin is transcendent is beyond criticism, of any right to criticism, expressing truth only if God is truth, is inseparable belief in God. If the British actually believe they know themselves, by way of "intuition" what is good and what is bad, and if, therefore, believe that they have no need of Christianity as a guarantee of morality, is merely a consequence of the rule of Christian value judgments and an expression of solid and deep is this empire, so he has forgotten the origin of English morality and no longer feels the very conditions of its right to exist. For English, the moral is not yet a problem ... George Sand: I read the first Lettres d'un voyageur: like everything that comes from Rousseau, false, artificial, soft exaggerated. I can not stand this motley style wallpaper, nor plebeian ambition generous sentiments. The worst, of course, is and remains the feminine coquetry virile with petulant lad manners. How cold would, however, that artist unbearable! It was her rope like a clock and write ... Cold, like Hugo, like Balzac, like all Romantics, in wielding the pen! And how smugly that fertile cow is tumbaría feathered, which took some German in fatal sense, like Rousseau himself, his teacher, and if only there could be declining at a time when the French taste! However, the scallop Renan ... Moral for psychologists. Do not play a reportorial psychology! Failure to observe the fact never seen! This leads to a false perspective to a distorted perspective, to something forced and exaggerated. The experience and itching to experiment goes wrong. Who experience should not be staring at each other, or if not, look at all becomes "aojadura." The psychologist born instinctively takes care to see to see, the same applies to the born painter who does not work never "the natural", but that instructs your gut, camera obscura, the task of sifting and removing the "case", the "Nature", the "experience" ... Only general, the conclusion, the results, go to his conscience does not know that arbitrary deduction of special case. A suggestion for the Conservatives. Here's something not previously known and now we know: You can not regression, the return in any sense or degree. Physiologists, at least, we know. See all priests and moralists have believed in this possibility, mankind sought to retract by force to a previous measure of virtue. Morality has always been a Procrustean bed. Even politicians have followed in the footsteps of this preacher of virtue, there are still games that dream with the regression of all things. However, anyone is free to go back. Like it or not, we must move forward, that is, advancing step by step on the road of decadence (this is my definition of modern "progress" ....) It can hinder this development and thus stall, build, make more vehement and sudden degeneration same, although we can not do more. My concept of genius. Great men, like great ages, are explosives where it is accumulating a tremendous power, its purpose is always in a historical and physiological, which has long been concentrated, accumulated saved and preserved with a view to them that for a long time not no explosion occurred. When the tension on the mass has become excessive, casual enough stimulus to produce "Genius", the "grand achievement," the great destiny. What matters then the environment, the time, the "zeitgeist", "public opinion"! Take the case of Napoleon. The France of the Revolution, and especially before the Revolution, would have produced the opposite type to that of Napoleon, and was, in fact. And because Napoleon was different, heir to a civilization stronger, Eventually, older than those that came down in France, became master, was only the master. Great men are needed, the time when an accident occur, which almost always come to dominate depends only make them stronger, older, that are longer concentrated and accumulated for a purpose. Between a genius and his time as a relationship between strong and weak, as well as between the old and the young, the relatively long time is always younger, loose, immaturity, lack of security, child. Now prevailing in France a very different notion on this subject (also in Germany, but never mind), that there milieu theory, a true theory of neurotic, has become sacrosanct and almost scientific, accepted even by physiologists, "smells bad" and invites melancholy thoughts. Nor in England is thought on the subject, but no one grieve. English will open only two roads: we understand with the genius and "great man" either democratically in the manner of Buckle or religiously in the manner of Carlyle. The dangers of great men and great times is extraordinary, they closely follow the exhaustion in every sense of sterility. The great man is an end. The genius in the work, the great achievement, is necessarily a spendthrift, the wear is your greatness ... Self-preservation is in itself somewhat disconnected, and the irresistible pressure forces prevent it from overflowing with great care and caution of this nature. He calls this "selflessness" is praised the "heroism" of such an attitude, indifference towards one's own welfare, devotion to an idea, a grand cause, for a homeland, but question, without exception, misunderstandings ... The great man is full, it overflows, is spent without reservation; fatally, involuntarily, as is involuntary overflow of a river. But it owes much to such expansions have been developed a kind of superior moral ... Well, it belongs to misunderstand human gratitude to their benefactors.
Be up to the balls of something or someone.
still short, at this point, the origin and fine-ity of the sentence - two problems that are different or should be-laugh: Unfortunately, usually two are confused. How do, however, in this case the moral genealogists gotten so far? So naive, as always -: discover the penalty a "purpose" either, for example, revenge or intimidation, then casually placed the order at the beginning, as a cause fiendi [cause productive] penalties, and - have already finished. The "purpose in the law" 53 is, however, the latter to be used for the genetic history of it: for there is no more important principle for any kind of historical science that has been gained with so much "effort, but it should also be really conquered-graph, - namely, that the cause of the genesis of a thing and the final usefulness this, their effective use in a system integration of purpose, are made coelo toto [completely] separate from each other, that something exists, something that has somehow failed to materialize, is played over and over again, by a higher power to, in new directions pur-ments, it is appropriate in a new way, transformed and adapted to a new utility, that every event in the organic world are a subduing, a lord, and, in turn, subjugate and all lord is a reinterpretation, a reset, in which, by necessity, the "meaning" above and "purpose" above must darken or in-clus completely erased. No matter how well is the utility comprises a physiological organ (also a legal institution, a so-cial custom, a political use of a shape in the ar-ing or in religious worship), nothing has yet realized with this in respect of its genesis, although this may sound very annoying and unpleasant to older ears, - & ndash , as of old it was believed that the demonstrable purpose, the usefulness of one thing, one way, an institution, was also the reason for its genesis, and thus was he-cho eye to see, and the hand was made to grab. It has also been imagined in this way off, as if it had been invented to punish. But all purposes, all utilidacles are just signs that a will to power has dominion over something less powerful and has printed on it, building on itself, the sense of a function, and whole history of a "thing", an organ of an application, can the If so indicative of an unbroken chain interpretations and adjustments are always new, whose causes they have no need even to be linked, rather sometimes occur and are relieved in a way you Meram-casual. The 'development' of a thing, use of an OR-win is, accordingly, anything but his progressus toward a goal, let alone a logical progression and brevi if-mo, achieved with minimum expense and cost of power - but the succession process of me-masochistic subjugation deep we Maso less independent of each other, taking place in the thing, you have to add resistors used in each case to counter the attempted meta-morphosis a purpose of defense and reaction-and the results of counteraction das fortunate. The shape is smooth, but the "meaning" is even more ... Even within each agency's unique things do not happen in a different way: with every essential growth also changes everything of "meaning" of each of the bodies - and sometimes the partial destruction of the same, its numerical reduction (eg through annihilation treatment of intermediate members) may be a sign of growing strength and perfection. I meant that also the partial deactivation, atrophy and degeneration, loss of sense and convenience, in a word, death-you belong to progressus real conditions: the which always appears in the form of a will and a ca-mino to power larger, and is always imposed at the expense of many smaller powers. Big-za of "progress" is measured, then, by the mass of all that had to sacrifice, humanity as mass, sacrificed to the flowering of a unique and special-face stronger man & ndash , - that would be a progress ... - Emphasize the more this point of view of the methodical historical capital because, in essence, is opposed to the instincts and tastes of today's dominant era, which prefer agree even with the ca-suality absolute, even more, with the absurd mechanistic every event, rather than with the theory of a will to power that unfolds in every event. The democratic idiosyncrasy opposed to anything that wants to dominate and domi-Nar, the modern misarquismo54 (to form a shovel-bra bad for a bad thing), so have been slowly changing and masking in the spiritual, in the most spiritual, and now enter and penetrate them is legitimate, step by step through the most rigorous science, mind seemingly more objective, to me I seem to have dominion and even entire fisiologíay of the whole doctrine of life, to damage them, as we understand, then whisked them a basic concept, that of real activity. By contrast under the pressure of that idiosyncrasy is placed in the foreground the "adaptation", ie an activity of the second rank, a mere reactive, moreover, has defined the life itself as an internal adaptation, more appropriate, external circumstances (Herbert Spencer). But it is unknown the essence of life, their will to power, thus ignores the supremacy of principle that forces have the spontaneous, aggressive, in-vasive species, creating new interpretations, new directions and forms, influenced of which comes after the "adaptation", and with it is denied in the body itself the dominant role of the supreme officials, in which the will to live appears active and shaping. Recollections want what Huxley criticized Spencer - his "nihilism ad-minister", but it is more than to "administer" ... escorts in Barcelona If we ignore the ascetic ideal, then the man, the animal man, has not so far had no effect. His life on earth has not hosted any goal, "why at all man?" - Has been an unanswered question, lacked the will of man and earth, of traf- , s of every great human destiny chorus sounded like an "in vain" further strong! Well, this is precisely what the ascetic ideal: that something was missing, that an immense void surrounding the man, - he could not be justified, ex-tender, to assert itself suffered from the problem of meaning. Also suffered from other causes, chiefly was a sickly animal: but his problem was not suf-to himself, but that missing the answer to the cry of the question: "why suffer? "The man, the most valuable animal, and more will acostumbrado a sufrir, no niega en sí el sufrimien­to: lo quiere, lo busca incluso, presuponiendo que se le muestre un sentido del mismo, un para––esto del sufrimien­to. La falta de sentido del sufrimiento, y no este mismo, era la maldición que hasta ahora yacía extendida sobre la hu­manidad, –– ¡y el ideal ascético ofreció a ésta un sentido! Fue hasta ahora el único sentido; algún sentido es mejor que ningún sentido; el ideal ascético ha sido, en todos los aspec­tos, the Fuuta de mieux [lesser evil] par excellence been so far. It seemed suffering interpretation do, the vast emptiness seemed filled, the door closed at all suicidal nihilism. Interpretation - it can not be du-give - came with a new suffering, deeper, more intimate, more poisonous, more devouring of life stood around suffering in the perspective of the fault ... But in-spite of all this, - the man was so saved, had a sense henceforth was no longer like a leaf in the wind, like a ball of the absurd, the "non - meaning" now want something po-day, by the time it was indifferent Qui-Siero, what he wanted and what he wanted: the will itself was saved. We can not hide in the end what expresses itself-rer anyone who received his guidance of the ascetic ideal: this hatred of humanity, indeed, against the animal, Mom , s even, against the material, this reluctance to the senses, to the same reason, the fear of happiness and beauty, that Anhe-the move away from all appearance, change, becoming, death, will, desire, longing itself - - all that means, dare to understand it, a will to nothingness, an aversion to life, a rejection of the most fundamental assumptions of life, but it is, and continues to be, a volun-tad! ... And repeating the end what I said earlier: the men prefer to want nothing ber not to want ... escorts First in BCN. Although capital is only equal to the sum of individual capitals, and therefore the annual commodity-product (or capital goods) equal to the sum of the products, capital goods such individual; although, therefore, the commodity-value analysis in its components applicable to any individual capital goods should also be applicable, as ultimately it is indeed, as the entire society, the way they are presented either in the process of social production seen as a whole is different. escorts Therefore, while in the act D - T the possessor of money and the holder of the workforce face only as buyer and seller respectively, as the holder money and the owner of the goods, that is, even in this aspect of their relationship develops exclusively in terms of money, the buyer appears in advance, at the same time as having the means of production, which constitute the material conditions necessary for the owner of the workforce can use it productively. In other words, these means of production are faced with the holder of the labor force as a property. In addition, the seller of the work appears in front of his buyer as a foreign workforce that has to be under him, joining his capital, so that he can act really as productive capital. Therefore, when both sides clash in the act D - T (or approaching it from the side of workers, T - D), there already is assumed relationship between the capitalist class and salaried workers. Is this a relationship of buying and selling, of money, but a purchase and sale which the buyer acts as a capitalist and a worker paid the seller and that is premised on the fact that the conditions necessary for the completion of the work force, livelihoods and the means of production n-are separated, as property, the possessor of it. Putas Barcelona
We now turn to investigate what differences occur in the rotation as the two integral parts of the rotation period, the period and the period of circulation same or that the work period is greater or less than the running time, and how this influences the relationship of capital in the form of money capital. Escorts in Madrid What distinguishes the third form of the first two is that the capital valued, not primitive, it is capital-curling values, appears only as a starting point of recovery in this cycle. M ', such as capital ratio, is here the starting point and as such, plays a decisive action on the entire cycle, as it includes, in its first round, the cycle of capital such as goodwill, and capital gains, if not in every cycle for separately, at least on the average of them has to be spent as income partially, covering the circulation process m-d-m, and partly as a function of capital accumulation. Valencia Chicas The distinction between fixed capital and working capital expressed as Quesnay appears as the distinction between primitive and advances advances annuelles. This author correctly states that distinc-tion as a distinction that affects productive capital, incorporating Rado direct production process. And as for Quesnay, the only really productive capital is invested in agriculture, ie the capital of the lessee, understands that this distinction is applicable only to him. From this time also follows an annual turnover of the capital and longer term (ten) of the other. It is true that the Physiocrats, in the course of evolution, these distinctions are extended to other kinds of capital, in-dustrial capital in general. And the distinction between annual expenditures and disbursements over time is as important to society, which many economists return to these concepts, even after Adam Smith. Finally Putas Barcelona arguably constantly released into the circulation a large amount of money in the first fixed investment, which can only be gradual and subtracting it piecemeal, over the years, that put them in circulation. Can not this sum of money sufficient to convert the surplus? This should be answered in the sum of 500 pounds sterling (in which retentions are also included for the required reserve fund) is implicit and its use as capital assets, either by the one who puts into circulation by any other. In addition, the amount spent for the purchase of products that serve as fixed capital involved, and the assumption that has been paid also contained in the goods surplus, and what This is just to know where this money comes from. Saunas Asturias In all production that is not directed exclusively to the satisfaction their own needs, the product has to circulate as a commodity, ie sold, not selling for a ga-nance, but simply to allow the producer to live. Add to that, in capitalist production, that the sale of mer-chandise is in addition the added value enclosed within it. The product leaves the production process as a commodity, it is not, therefore, not a fixed element or an element of that current. Madrid relax agencies In the book I have analyzed the capitalist process of production, both in itself as in the reproduction process: the production of plusvalíay production of capital itself. The changes of form and matter that the capital experienced within the orbit of the movement were given for granted, without pausing to consider them. It was assumed, therefore, first, that the capitalist sells the product for its value and, second, that is at its disposal the material means of production necessary to restart the process or continue uninterrupted. The only act of the orbit of the movement we needed to stop there was the purchase and sale of the workforce as a fundamental condition of capitalist production.
video sex-capital money is thus available for the simple rotation mechanism (next to the capital money required by the ebb successive fixed capital which is needed in all work processes as variable capital) is expected to play an important role as soon as the credit system develops, to become, at the same time, in one of the bases of it. luxury passenger of this as the fortuitous nature of the remaining repair work on machinery appears as follows: www.bellezacordobesa.com
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For example, the wine, leaving the winery, has to go through a period of fermentacióny then rest for some time, to achieve a degree of perfection. In many industrial branches as in ceramics, the product needs to undergo a drying process, or undergo the action of certain factors that modify their composition chemistry, as in the dry cleaning industry. Winter wheat requires about nine months to ma-last. The work process that mediates between sowing and the collec-tion is an almost uninterrupted process. In contrast, the arbo-riculture, once you finish planting and nary necessary preliminary work, sometimes have to spend a hundred years before the seed becomes the finished product, and during this time are relatively minor contributions to work under demanding. escorts in barcelona Here the view is free. Can soul to be rich if a philosopher is silent, it can be love if he contradicts himself, it is a courtesy of cognos decent liar. Not without a subtle sense these words: the indignant est des grands coeurs of répandre you trouble, qu'ils ressentent, one can only add that no fear or as unworthy can also be big-za of the soul. The woman who loves sacrifices his honor, the knower who "loves" their sacrifices perhaps mankind; a god who loved became a Jew ... Catalunya escorts Therefore, although the acceleration of the working period is almost always linked to increased paid-up capital for a shorter period, so that has as shortening the period of disbursement increases the amount of capital that is necessary to disburse, We must remember here that apart from the mass of existing social capital, it depends on the degree in which they are scattered or gathered in the hands of individual capitalists productionand means of livelihood or the ability to dispose of them, ie , the proportion that is recovered and the concentration of capital. The credit, to the extent that it promotes and accelerates the concentration of capital in few hands, contributes tambiéna shorten the work period, and therefore the turnaround time. Girlsbcn.com All work is, firstly, the expenditure of human labor force in the physiological sense, and as such, as human labor or human labor as abstract as the value of the goods. But all work is, on the other hand, the expenditure of human work force in special form and aimed at an end and, as such, as concrete and useful work, produces the values of uso.17 www.girlsbilbao. com If we ignore the substance of the movement from goods, the exchange of different use values, and we limited ourselves to economic forms that this process engenders, we see that the end result is money. Well, the end result of the movement of goods is the initial way it is presented the capital. Ibiza fucking But with great progress being experienced by British industry during the eight years from 1848 to 1856. under the influence of the ten-hour day, this increase was exceeded considerably over the next six years, from 1856 to 1862. In silk factories, for example, worked in 1856 1093.799 spindles, in 1862, 1388.544; in 1856 9.260 looms; in 1862, 10.709. Here, however, the drop experienced by census workers in 1856, worked in these factories 56.131 workers, in 1862, the number of workers employed in it was 52.429. Therefore, while the number of spindles increased by 26.9 per 100 and the looms by 15.6 by 100, the census workers decreased by 7 per 100. In 1850, worked in factories 875.830 Worsted spindles, in 1856, were already 1324.549 (increase of 51.2 per 100), in 1862, 1289.172 (decreases of 2.7 per 100). But, barring double spindles, contained in the statistics of 1856 and are omitted in 1862, from aquella fecha el número de husos permanece casi estacionario. En cambio, la velocidad de los husos y los telares llega, en muchos casos, a doblarse, desde 1850. El número de telares de vapor empleados en las fábricas Worsted en 1850 era de 32,617; en 1856, es de 38,956, y en 1862, de 43,048. En 1850, estas fábricas daban ocupación a 79,737 personas, en 1856, a 87,794, y en 1862 a 86,063; pero, hay que tener en cuenta que de ellas eran niños menores de 14 años, en 1850, 9,956: en 1856, 11,228, y en 1862, 13,178. Por tanto, a pesar de haber aumentado tan considerablemente el número de telares, en 1862 the total number of workers employed in these factories had fallen in relation to 1856, increasing the census instead of Children explotados.88 tantra continental revolution of 1848-1849 England also affected. Men who still hoped to have some scientific value, to be more than mere sophists and sycophants of the ruling classes, esforzábanse to harmonize the political economy of capital with the aspirations of the proletariat could no longer continue to ignore more time. Syncretism and a vacuum occurs, whose best example is John Stuart Mill is the bankruptcy declaration of the economy "bourgeois", exposed as a master hand, in his Notes of economy policy implications n Stuart Mill by the great Russian scholar and critic N. Chernyshevsky.
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