Ussopp Episode: Welcome back! Ussopp am the great, the boss of the section of fanarts ... Edward
: (appearing from behind, carrying a lot of drawings without scanning backward) If, now, you the boss ... ¬ ¬ U Go, do not lie, everyone knows that the manager of the fanarts section is Mustang ... unfortunately for me ...
Luffy: Is that Ussopp is, always comes with a tall tale! (Chuckles)
Zoro: Yeah, but you could say things more believable ...
Ussopp: (Interrupts them) Well, it already! (Clears and re-addressing the audience) Well, last week the fanfics section outlined several drabbles ... so I said: "The thing can not be so, we must go!"
Alphonse: (explaining to visitors) Actually, that's what the Colonel said ...
Ussopp: (Still with the explanation despite interruptions) ... and as a great strategist who I am, I thought it was the right time to show you never seen!
Luffy: What, what? Drawings of food?
Goyjo: (ironically) a finished drawing, perhaps?
Ussopp: Let me say at once and do not interrupt me more! (Coughs again) Because, of course, Amber is primarily a restless soul with a vivid imagination ... Sometimes inspiration comes in the midst of University classes, so it takes to translate their ideas into the first thing that caught by hand ... If this is a fanart, most of the time often used the same notebook ...
Len: It gets to draw in class instead of taking notes? No wonder then stop, should be more disciplined ... Horo-Horo
: I understand it perfectly ... some classes are deadly boring!
Yoh: In addition, the idea is the inspiration, no? Hehe ...
Ussopp: I said interrupt it already! Anyway ... what we present here and now are just some of these works of art in pencil, pen or the Amber puntafina decorate their notebooks ... What she calls "The things I draw when bored in class!
Edward: It could have been a little more original search for the title right? ¬ ¬ U
Ussopp: So ladies and gentlemen, permĂtenme I, the Great Captain Ussopp, I present the pictures that are under the cut ... Come and see!
Usopp: Well, this drawing is an original character of Amber, Rumiko Akirazaki, aka Akira. It was created as part of a project devised comic before moving manga style ...
Goku: And why then is in manga style?
Usopp: Well, because this picture is after then ... also the character and was originally a manga style to highlight his Japanese citizenship y. ..
Luffy: So now is a project manga?
Ussop: Noooo, what happens is that she's drawn in manga style, but the rest of the characters are in another style ...
Goyjo: Which one?
Usopp: Well ... (Scratches head) I do not know, was originally to be a comic in European style I think ...
Zoro: And there is a bit odd combination of manga and Europe?
Goku: So it's a manga-European?
Luffy: Manga-European? That sounds nice!
Ren: But centuries ago that Amber does not draw in European style, it would be impossible to return to the style of earlier ...
Luffy: Jo, it no longer sounds so cool ...
Usopp: Okay Now > _ \u0026lt;And pebbles, I have to keep showing me pictures and not concentrate ...
Usopp: This character is part of another project even without making ...
Luffy: Another manga-European?
Usopp: Nooo, this is already manga-manga ... The project is called "Vampire Blues" and this is one of the characters that appear in the story, Ohura Mbobo, a vampire of African origin ...
Yoh: But ... vampires do not have to be pale?
Goyjo: And what? It's like a quesote! (Kapa brightness in his eyes out XD)
Usopp: Aaaargh, with you can not explain anything! Finally, we turn to something else, and tell you what the story another time ...
Usopp: This is a character design that Amber made for a fic together thegrandline forum ...
Al: Which fandom?
Usopp: De One Piece, of course! (Smiles face smartass)
Luffy: Ah, yes, I agree! (Laughs) That fic itself that was cool!
Zoro: Yeah, but never completed because the authors could not agree to the final ... Horo-Horo
: Hey, that guy seems to Sephiroth?
Usopp: Who? (Fixed) Ah, well ... Darkstar is supposed to be one of the original characters of the fic ... Yoh
Go, it is true that seems Sephiroth! (Laughs)
Usopp: Well, the design was a cross between Sephiroth and Gaarv of Slayers, but ...
Ed: No, that's nothing, blue hair is right, Sephiroth is nailed to
Goyjo: Yes, I think the same, is Sephiroth
Al: Yes, it's Sephiroth certainly
Ren: For once I agree with Loro-Loro ... Horo-Horo
: Horo-Horo is! > _ \u0026lt;And stop saying my name wrong on purpose! ¬ ¬ #
Usopp: Okay Now And who cares who looks like?
Zoro: Not that it seems, is that it is.
Goku: Hey, so if that is Sephiroth ... the girl who would?
Goyjo: Places to look like characters from Final Fantasy, I think this has an air of Yuffie ...
Usopp: Enough! > _ \u0026lt; Not that's Yuffie, Sephiroth or the other, nor am I willing to keep holding your conclusions chorras! I will move to the next before it gets out of mother ... Horo-Horo
: Wait, we have not yet got like the third character!
Usopp: ¬ ¬ #
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