Friday, November 18, 2005

Proxy Similar To Remainhidden

Hoy es 18 de November and I can say I'm tired, what year! ... not only pass the death of Pope John Paul II, but was also the year of the Olympics, downed aircraft, bird flu, the marriage of Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles and many other things that I can not remember high right now .. this year was the publication of HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE ...¡¡¡ GONE! but sad U__U .. in short, are thousands of things not to say but unfortunately, I do not have time to count.

This year was my junior at school today formally dismissed the fourth means, to my friends that I left for start a new path, a path that will make their future in a more immediate way, a way where they show the UI values were given during those long fourteen years of studies. Friends, do not know how I feel at this time, do not know the pain and the joy I see that on Sunday gave the Rings Pose, where he was blessed as alumnae.

is difficult but must be faced. In each and touch us, to you I tocvó this year, to me next.

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Today was tiring, I had tests Stranger and Statistics, I was leeeeeendo in both. What worries me most are the colleagues with whom I tested the book ... What if we went wrong ?...¿ be my fault, because the part that touched me the answer I masl? ... I do not know and that I fear. A LOT.

I do not have nothing left in Chile ... in a week and a half I will be traveling to England due to finish my studies in English. I hope I do well and do not miss my family so much, really it would be nice not to enjoy a trip because you missing someone ... in short, keep reading fics for now.