Title : Lunar Tide.
Author: Kea Langrey.
Series: Naruto, Minato, Itachi, single chapter
Genre / Rating : Romance / Drama, PG-15.
Previous : This was born from a challenge I had with Zusaku, which asked me something about the world of medicine and it was sad ... and now here is the result. His answer is this .
Lunar Tide
The first time I saw the little Namikaze Minato Uchiha Itachi, the small brown and deep brown eyes, had no hair and his skin was too light .
I saw his face turn to one side of the bed, as if trying to get lost among the shadows unequal were the leaves of the trees, while a overweight doctor and several medical students (including himself), made him few tests, we formulated an occasional question, and tolerate some of the stupid answers from those who preferred to drink a little beer on Saturday night, intending to study on Sunday afternoon, they had to learn in a week.
The next time I met him, a hard-featured man talked to him about physical theories should only be discussed with older men, posed the origin of the universe and have the luxury of challenge the assumptions of those who did not consider sufficiently advanced.
Hearing about supernovas, black holes and quantum mechanics from the lips of a boy who should be thinking what girl lead the graduation dance n elementary school, was something strange, and was left feeling that something was wrong.
The third time, the boy smiled as if he knew the secret of life and I could almost swear Minato Uchiha Itachi had something of the occult in it, because when he fixed his dark eyes on him, he felt as if he had read completely inside .
Itachi, depending on diagnosis oncologist Minato teacher, had leukemia.
With the advance of one of the most advanced hospitals in the country, a disease like that should not pose great danger, so everyone's expectations were high and favorable.
Minato handled him for a long time, and sometimes received some rebukes from superiors more archaic, who thought it provided too much attention to a single patient. Although it was supported by many others, who were welcomed the deal, allegedly gave preferential to the treasury of the national university.
Minato But none of that mattered, from the first moment when he exchanged words with the young genius, it was like a dose of fresh morning breeze. His words were interesting, and far from making her feel uncomfortable or less, talk to him filled him with a pleasure it was almost insane fear.
Itachi had once said that everyone could learn something about who they least expected it, and that the short time compartíaa his side had learned ma , s, of what had learn alongside their parents. Minato never fully understood what he meant, after all, he had met his mother, and noticed a sweet and devoted, and although his father noticed something strict, you could see leagues concern he felt for his son.
external When that thought, just received a condescending smile and a hug that made him shudder.
The first hug was Uchiha Itachi was not reciprocated.
The days soon turned into weeks, and the situation of Itachi in the hospital, went through its ups and downs, and one of those occasions, Minato allowed to mourn in the privacy of your room. Never told anyone, and although not the last, if it was the only one that would forever in his memory until the day of his death.
the day that Itachi left the hospital, a very short coat of hair began to cover her head round. The smile she gave was unique, bright, and no one could observe, for the moment that someone came to them, the beautiful gesture disappeared.
"I am Namikaze-san sea ... ... and you're the moon."
was the last thing Itachi Minato told before reaching their parents at the hospital entrance. And was this the first time that Minato Namikaze regretted anything in his life, fervently wished to have their arms wrapped in the thin, delicate body of Uchiha Itachi, as if that could have protected him from all evil that haunted in the world.
Years passed.
Minato Itachi remembered only occasionally, and was again as the first real case of leukemia with whom he had contact. His busy life, classes, examinations, your intern rounds, everything was exhausted enough to even remember the color of your hair. But I remembered his words, and although always intrigued him, never thought much about it.
And buried the memory of his mysterious black eyes, when a playful mischievous green slanted eyes he was delighted and got into a new chapter in his life.
I was happy ... or so I thought.
His career began to cement, I had a pretty girlfriend and funny and began to make plans for the future. Until he returned.
was not the hairless boy remembered reading the name on the record. It was a tall, thin body and long black hair. He saw a small smile that sat next to her bed, a lovely smile, as that which gave the last time they met. Then he remembered that he had shaken his beating heart at that moment, but who were forced to ignore.
talk softly and then said something more, the little that was almost identical to Itachi, he threw himself into his arms, while drowning remained quiet sobs.
Minato felt like an intruder, and remained standing in the doorway for what seemed like hours. When the final the little one fell asleep, Minato picked him up and laid him in the other bed, which fortunately was empty.
"It's scared. "Was the explanation he received when he approached the dark to take their signs. Itachi lifted his face and his dark eyes focused on him. "And you nervous. "I said, finishing off with a lopsided grin.
Minato swallowed and smiled after recovering from the embarrassment he had caused this provocative smile. It was no longer the inexperienced student who had left dazzled by one of the most beautiful minds of the world, and now, despite the nerves, I was sure I had to do.
"Just a little. "He conceded, smiling. "The last Once I attended a Uchiha, a little boy told me I had to do.
This time the little boy sleep, but the same Uchiha will tell you to do. "Itachi raised his arms, feeling a little twinge where the needle drugs transmitting your body through your skin, but did not care, and ended up with both hands holding the dark face of Namikaze, pulling him, to kiss him gently on the lips.
-Minato Itachi ... "she whispered, her face away a little, when her lips parted.
"Still the moon, Namikaze-san. "Itachi then released him and stroked the tip of the index finger, swollen skin. Minato bit her lip, trying to break the warm tingling haunted him every second.
Minato said nothing more, then the deal is limited to that which should have a doctor and his patient. However, a repeat offender, Itachi returned to spend more time in the hospital. The youngest of the first night, it was Sasuke, his younger brother, who at the time was staying with a cousin of both Shisui.
tears this time were due to that not long ago, her parents had died in a plane crash and there were only two. Lived together, alone. Surviving on inheritance they received from their parents, and Itachi work now played in college. They had a quiet life, and Itachi was trying to give all the love that he had received, but when Sasuke had found him unconscious in the room of your house, they both felt that their world is crumbling at his feet.
Sasuke because he knew I would do without the only person who loved her ... well it was still very young to understand. Itachi, because for the first time in his life he was afraid, not of dying, but by his brother, because they do not know what would happen to him if his illness consumed him.
But regardless of that, decided to fight, Minato never again wanted to see him without hair. I wanted things that once functioned differently, and was glad when that experimental treatment (which made him feel sick twice), and work better ... did not lose his hair!
And how was glad for it ... especially when on a stroll through the gardens of the hospital, Minato stopped and leaned against him, to be at its height after locking it to the wheelchair in which carrying Itachi.
"Your hair is beautiful. Had said, tangling the tip of his index and middle fingers through the long, dark strands. Itachi had smiled, leaning forward to kiss her again.
Minato so hated that it was cowardly, not to initiate such a gentle touch, not daring to wrap his arms, although he felt was right.
For many nights I asked, and when sometimes wake up with his body covered in sweat and sore groin, was convinced more and more, to dream with a thin body muscle tone was not so different dreaming of the curvaceous body was still supposed to be his girlfriend.
Therefore, it was decided.
had to accept it. Sometimes there was no answer to your questions. But he had what he wanted ... what I needed.
was not easy to accept, much less in such a society in which they lived, but Itachi seemed to have understood it better, nobody ever said that things would be easy, but Itachi had been charged, perhaps with words that at first did not understand, to prove that they were destined .
that day, ended their relationship. She was not surprised, and although he was hurt, he confessed that he knew all would end well, because she was not the star that he needed to light your way. Minato smiled and apologized, but deep down she smiled ... it would be like starting again.
to make things right.
be, it really was.
When Itachi opened his eyes that bright July morning, the doctor on duty greeted him with the news that same day would be discharged, and only would have to return to regular consultations every month.
Sasuke, who was in the same room, he smiled his boyish face, showing his white teeth. Itachi returned the gesture and waited patiently for Minato to arrive, for surely he knew the story, and although it hurt, because surely all volveríaa be as before, was happy, because when However there was able to show how love him.
For entendíaa Minato. I knew it was hard to accept a situation like that, much more because he was someone with a poor health and did not blame him or hated him. False hopes were painful, but they were better than nothing.
Itachi hope all afternoon. At night, when his cousin went to pick up his brother Elya, understood that something was wrong.
The next day was that I knew from a pretty young redhead who was called at noon. She said she did not know if she knew who he was, and that it was difficult to break the news.
The car she was riding in Minato had been taken out of the road by a truck that had lost the brakes. The blond had come to visit the neighboring village, for she was at home with their parents.
died instantly. Paramedics said. Did not suffer. It was the comfort of their families.
But Itachi was destroyed. He could not even attend the funeral.
After that, she did not smile with genuine joy, much less when that redhead told him he had spoken last Minato .
" I am the moon ... and he is the sea."
And like her, Itachi knew that Minato had loved him.